C: E Partners   Wholesale Accounts   C: E Baristas


Grams is a personal coffee ordering program making it easy to try new coffee at your home or office.

As a thanks for helping us Build : Community we are pleased to offer this to you at wholesale price.


Orders are roasted on Wednesdays and shipped on Fridays every other week from submission. 

Any new forms or changes made to existing forms require a 48 hour processing period.

This is our way to honor you so please keep your password to yourself. You've earned it.

1 oz (wt) beans = 12 oz cup of brew = 1 dollar

Your order will be processed soon; expect an invoice payment link in you email within 48 hours.


This reoccurring coffee subscription is for home or office use only, not to take place or be included in any Wholesale Account orders or future Events.